Action Team for Partnerships
Each school’s Action Team for Partnerships (ATP) is made up of parents, teachers, administrators and community members. This team meets monthly at each school to develop a One-Year Action Plan for School & Family Partnerships, ensures the activities in the plan happen, and evaluates the activities that take place. They also help to publicize events that involve families and gather ideas for new activities.
Parents or other family members are essential members of the Action Team for Partnerships. Parents and other family members contribute ideas on topics that will be important for families, design ways to involve all families, conduct activities on family friendly schedules, recruit families to lead and implement activities and encourage families to participate in activities.
Community Members
Community Partnerships are a key element of the ATP. Community partners can contribute human and material resources, share innovative ideas and give perspectives that result in improved school programs and expanded learning experiences for students.
Teachers on the ATP contribute ideas for family and community involvement activities linked to academic goals for students. Teachers also work with the other teachers in the school to reinforce their own best practices to involve families and the community, and encourage other teachers to participate in schoolwide partnership events.
Christopher Babinski
ATP Chair